Rate hike, rent, and GTA property price (Con't) Snapshot of Toronto Property Market
©Copyright by top real estate agent in Toronto/GTA, senior broker, Daisy Huang, July 2022. In the last episode, we talked about “If the interest rate rises to 20%, what will happen to GTA property price?”. We said that the cooling-off period of the real estate market is the most suitable for “home hunting”. In this episode, Daisy Huang wants to share some snapshots of the Greater Toronto market based on June data, hoping that while we discuss the impact of inflation and interest rate hikes on home prices, we can also bring you more sense of reality, increase the visibility of the GTA marketplace and capture opportunities. The following are 5 snapshots of GTA real estate market by “Daisy Realty List®”. It should be disclaimed that the data is based on a snapshot of one month of June, the ranking will deviate from the annual average ranking. For more detailed and real-time market dynamics, please contact Daisy Huang. Let's first look at the [Snapshot of the average price of single-...